Jackie Foskett

Jackie Foskett

Jackie Foskett ☎ Also offers telehealth services (online therapy phone/video).✔ ☎ Call directly 888-865-1870 to be connected to this office  

Jackie Foskett 8454 135th Ave SE Newcastle, WA 98059

Select Newcastle via Text Message ✔ Also offers Convenient Telephone Sessions ☎   Jackie Foskett photo    

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Or ☎ Select Newcastle via Text Message ✔ Also offers Convenient Telephone Sessions ☎ Text Us Text Us and we’ll reply with this providers details and availability   Stress Relief Specialist Hypnotherapist Mind Coach HypnoBirthing Practitioner Why I founded my healing hypnotherapy practice in 1999 to help people change their behaviors and thinking processes in areas that were no longer working for them   As a curious teenager, I always wanted to know what made people tick. What has people think the way they do? Why do people do the things they do? These types of questions occupied her mind because people and their behaviors completely fascinated me and I yearned to know more. This passion for understanding people’s nature and motivations has guided me in my career choices as a dental hygienist for over 34 years to getting certified as a Hypnotherapist. In 1999 I founded Healing Hypnotherapy to help people change their behaviors and thinking processes in areas that were no longer working for them. Jackie Foskett I liken myself to a Sherpa. I guide you along the terrain of your conscious and subconscious mind so you can get to where you want to go! I make it easy, with my very attentive ear, my skills and my passion for being your partner on this journey. All you simply must do is be wanting and open for the changes. With the right guidance and your powerful mind, you can achieve what it is you want and release whatever is holding you back from feeling your best, happiest and healthiest self. As a Stress Relief Specialist, my guidance and your powerful mind will get to the root of your smoking issues, weight issues, generalized stress issues, or whatever area of behavior you wish to change. Distressing thoughts, as well as the way we think and feel, are at the root of all those habitual patterns we want to change. Stressful thoughts not only affect how you feel, but how your body’s biochemistry reacts. When you’re feeling stressed, your body sends out stress hormones that support you in fighting or fleeing. Whenever your mind thinks you are in danger or you’re being threatened, it sends a message to the brain to send out the hormones that will help protect you from the threat. These stress hormones cause your heart to accelerate, your breathing to become rapid and your extremities to receive all the blood to get you prepared for the danger. Jackie Foskett Sept 2012 Problem is, in our contemporary culture, we’re usually not having those types of threats or dangers. Instead, we’re worrying, creating what-if scenarios in our heads and being fearful of the enormous amount of fear-based information we constantly receive in our instantaneous society. Unfortunately, our subconscious mind does not understand the difference between all those worried anxious thoughts and an actual live event. As a result, when we’re having those worried, negative feelings thoughts, we’re getting all those stress hormones released into our system. Since these thoughts are usually chronic, our bodies are then in a chronic stress state. In this stressed state, our bodies are not functioning optimally and our attitude and mood is less than par. We feel irritated, impatient, and finding solutions is more challenging. Jackie Foskett Smokers most often use cigarettes to get away from those stressful thoughts, even if they’re unconscious of what those thoughts are. The body has learned to memorize those negative thoughts and it memorizes the “habit” of smoking as well. It seems like smoking relieves the stress, when in fact, it only adds to the whole biochemical reactive mix! By focusing in on our brilliant powerful minds, we can stop the insanity of those stressful, worrisome, fearful and negative thoughts that keep looping around. Instead, we can create healthier thoughts that allow our bodies to get back to functioning optimally and we become more adept at problem-solving. We can actually choose how we think and behave, instead of knee jerk reacting or being slave driven by a tobacco stick.   This is the power of inner focusing or hypnosis. Hypnosis allows you to harness your own inner brilliance. Hypnotherapy provides the “training” to get your mind where YOU want it to go for your intended goals and desires. Jackie FoskettAll hypnosis is self-hypnosis. It’s an allowance and you are always in control. I’m a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with over 1,000 hours of education in hypnotherapy will guide you like a Sherpa guides someone up the mountain. She knows how to get you there. You simply have to put your feet on Smoking, feeling enslaved to cigarettes, but enjoying it less and less, yet can’t seem to stop? Stressed about your weight? Feeling financially stressed? Afraid of the dentist? Stressed out in general? If any of these, or similar, hit home, hang in there! There is a way to change all these worries, fears, doubts and behaviors: You can change your mind with hypnosis.   Jackie Foskett The Stress Relief Toolbox: For Women Who Take Care of Everyone But Themselves   Call now for a free consultation…


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