Category: stress

Complex PTSD EMDR Treatment – Highlighting Evidence-Based Research


  Complex PTSD EMDR Treatment – EMDR PTSD Research   EMDR is a methodology that has gained recognition in recent years amongst professionals in the psychology and hypnotherapy spaces. The eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy has gained momentum and

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Understanding Hypnotherapy for Treating Sleep Apnea

hypnosis sleep disorders

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Symptoms and Treatment Options     Insomnia, the inability to go to sleep at night, is much prevalent among the masses now. There are people who are entirely dependent upon medications to put their senses to rest.

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Getting the Right Pet Can Be Just What the Doctor Ordered

Reptile Buddy

by Mark Barrus Animals can be inspiring and relaxing to young people Many children also have stressful lives, and out of the ordinary animals can really get them excited. Exotic animals can really open the minds of people, especially children

Chronic Stress Negatively Affects Your Health

Elise Fee photo

“Chronic Stress Negatively Affects Your Health” by Elise Fee     Although stress seems to be a part of our everyday lives, it’s important to understand the ramifications and potential consequences of living with chronic stress. Stress is probably the

Positive thinking isn’t just fluff – research shows it actually reduces stress

Elise Fee photo

“Positive thinking isn’t just fluff – research shows it actually reduces stress” by Elise Fee     Concordia University recently published research results that show that optimistic people have lower stress levels in their daily lives and are better able

Will Coaching Help ME and What Does a Life Coach Do?

Elise Fee photo

“Will Coaching Help ME and What Does a Life Coach Do?” by Elise Fee     While life coaching can be beneficial for many people, the clients who see the greatest results are those who are highly-motivated to live their

Am I in a Rut? – I Can’t Quite Put My Finger On It

Elise Fee photo

“Am I in a Rut? – I Can’t Quite Put My Finger On It” by Elise Fee     Something isn’t right. You aren’t feeling happy and excited about life like you used to. When you think about the individual

Anxiety, But it’s Normal to Have Anxiety, Isn’t it?

Elise Fee photo

“Anxiety, But it’s Normal to Have Anxiety, Isn’t it?” by Elise Fee     Yes and no.   Yes, it’s normal to have a degree of anxiety in stressful situations like speaking to a crowd, interviewing for a job, etc.

Stress and Anxiety are Killers

“Stress and Anxiety are Killers” by David Newman   Yeah, I know we have heard that, perhaps on an intellectual level we know and understand it, but we really don’t. Stress is caused by fight syndrome, and once the subconscious

Smoking adds stress rather than reduce it

i-am-too-stressed-to-quit-smoking-now-is-a-myth-not-a-fact Do you feel you have too much stress now to stop smoking? Do you realize that is a MYTH. Smoking adds stress rather than reduce it. Read more to find out how.