Tag: e-cigarette

Using the e-cigarette is like a gambler who wants to simply gamble less

Dan Kimm photo

by Dan Kimm CH       Does it really replace traditional smoking with a “safer” alternative? Wonder where they grow the “Smokeless” tobacco? (Pun intended) BLU e-cigarettes proudly state on their website: AMERICAN MADE SMOKE JUICE~ “Smoke Juice? Do they

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It’s the same with cigarettes and e-cigarettes

Elise Fee photo

by Elise Fee     When using hypnotherapy to overcome an addiction, there are times when it’s helpful to have a short-term substitution for habitual behaviors (for ex. the hand-to-mouth motion of smoking or the oral fixation that smoking provided);

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FDA: Stop Marketing E-Cigs as Quit Smoking Devices

James Hazlerig photo

“FDA: Stop Marketing E-Cigs as Quit Smoking Devices” by James Hazlerig The FDA has declared that electronic cigarettes, which deliver nicotine in a vaporized form, are not quit smoking devices. They are in fact tobacco products, just like cigarettes, cigars,

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