Wallace W. Lossing

Wallace Lossing photo






We are saddened to hear about the passing of Mr Lossing.


He was a great man and has helped so many people.


Prayers to his family.


Mark Barrus, Health Department Director
Healthy Life Centers LLC






Wallace Lossing C.O.,M.Ht.

Channeled Healing, Chakra Clearing
Alleviating Anxiety, Stress & Trauma

Worldwide speaker, presenter and practitioner providing Hypnotherapy, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Spiritual
Physical Healing and has over 45 years of experience in healing and innovative intervention.

Certified Health Coach for Take Shape for Life for weight loss & healthy

Certified Hypnotherapist. Take it off – Keep it off weight loss, Smoking
cessation, Spiritual Physical Healing, Regression therapy,
Pain management, Relief of depression, release of negativity, anxiety &
chronic pain

Aquatic healing: Total Body Concept™: Balancing Physical Body, Mind
& Spirit

Hypnosis instructor: Teaches Certification courses qualifying you to
become a Certified hypnotherapist

8 comments on “Wallace W. Lossing
  1. Great referral system you have & very successful. I am getting over 95 % success rate with smoking cessation. Thank you Mark Barrus.

  2. Penelope Caricofe says:

    Would like information about hypnosis to quit smoking and weight loss.

  3. Greg Smith says:

    Mr Lossing what ever happened to the Backtrac? I use to distribute them for you in Louisiana. You and I drove around and did presentations all over the state teaching Physical Therapist about the Backtrac, the Necktrac and Myofacial Release. My old company was Health Care in Alexandria, LA.

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  1. […] is a different ball game. Usually there is a more emotional thing with obesity than smoking.” Wallace W. Lossing Share this Site:Share on […]

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