Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnosis
Q. What’s the difference between group seminars and one-on-one hypnosis?
A. Many people sign up for hypnosis seminars and walk away disappointed. The reason is that everybody has a different smoking habit. There may be similarities, but the best analogy is to imagine going to your doctor with 50 people, and it would be impossible for him/her to help everybody in the room. Have a free one on one consultation if you want to become a former smoker. Call or text 888-865-1870
Q. Will I give away any secrets while under hypnosis?
A. No, you won’t say or do anything at all that you don’t want to. If you were given suggestions that you don’t morally agree with you would come out of hypnosis.
Q. Will I remember everything afterwards?
A. That depends how deep into hypnosis you are, but generally most people do remember either everything or certain parts of the session. Afterwards you will find that certain suggestions will resurface in your conscious mind. These thoughts will produce changes in your behavior or way of thinking and feeling.
Q. Are there any side effects from hypnosis?
A. The only side effects are the beneficial ones. You may feel more relaxed afterwards or feeling more positive about what ever you sought hypnotherapy for. Hypnosis is a perfectly natural state.
Q. How does it feel to be hypnotized?
A. Everyone feels different. Some feel like there very heavy and others feel as though they’re floating away. Most people agree that they feel more relaxed than they ever have before. Like a very deep meditation, which allows your brain to slow down and relax.
Q. Can I be hypnotized against my will?
A. No, anyone can resist and it won’t work. Hypnosis is cooperation between two people-your therapist will show you the way and you decide if you want to go there or not.
Q. I went to a hypnotherapist before and it didn’t work. Does this mean I’m not able to be hypnotized?
A. The most common reason for failure to induce hypnosis is lack of rapport with your therapist or you were not ready for the changes. You must know and believe you can change. It’s also good to go with your intuition and choose a therapist you trust and feel comfortable with.
Q. How do I know I will wake up from hypnosis?
A. No-one has ever remained in hypnosis forever. Even if something were to happen halfway through the session, you would still “come out” of the hypnosis state.
Q. Do I have to remember things from my past in order to recover from my problem?
A. Not necessarily, but if the cause of your problem is a repressed memory (one that your conscious does not remember), then bringing it back into your conscious awareness can help you view it differently, and from that feel differently about it. With hypnosis you and your therapist should try and get to the root of your problem.
Q. When I am “under” will I be asleep?
A. You will be aware of everything that is happening and being said to you. However, you will be so relaxed that you may fall into different levels of awareness. Your unconscious mind is active throughout the entire session and it is this your therapist is working with.
What hypnosis Is:
Hypnosis is a relaxed mental state our unconscious mind is more open and receptive to suggestions that are given. In this mental state people are able to tune out worries and doubts. This allows you to access the subconscious mind and program it positively. The state of hypnosis is often compared to the relaxed mental state between wakefulness and sleep.
While in hypnosis your conscious mind takes a less active role. This allows you to effectively work with your subconscious.
What hypnosis is NOT:
This popular way of looking at hypnosis bears very little to actual hypnotherapy. More modern research shows that the client has absolute free will. If they don’t want to do something, they simply will not. Hypnotherapist can not somehow make you do something that you wish not to. It is up to the individual person to decide for change and the hypnotherapist to guide them.
Also the following cam be helped: Self-esteem, Obsessive Behavior, General Health Improvements,
You can also work on Sexual Dysfunctions, Drinking Habits / Alcoholism, Drug Habits / Addiction,
Last but not least, it can help with Marital Problems, Anxiety, Phobias, Insomnia, Depression, Improving Memory.