Penny Hanson

Penny Hanson

☎ Also offers telehealth services (online therapy phone/video).✔ ☎ Toll-Free 888-865- 1870 for a free consultation at this office  

Penny Hanson Certified Master Hypnotist – Healthy Life Centers certified ✔ Office address:
Kapaʻa, HI 96746 and   92-100 Waipahe Pl Kapolei, HI 96707

@(Email us for in-office)

Select Penny’s locations via Text Message ✔ Also offers Convenient Telephone Sessions ☎

  Penny Hanson


Penny Hanson photo

For the past 30 years, Penny Hanson has motivated and inspired thousands of people to stop smoking and create healthier attitudes and


Penny Hanson

You’ll relax from head to toe as you are transported into the tranquil state of hypnosis when you work with Penny. She can help you stop smoking or make many other important life changes that you’ve been struggling with. Penny shares the natural approach of using your own mind for a change in helping to reach your personal goals. Make positive, healthy changes in a peaceful, relaxing setting. This mind massage is more than just stress relief techniques. Hypnosis works!

Penny Hanson

The first segment will include a private planning session with Penny to discuss your unique situation, to define your needs and goals and to answer any questions you may have. The second portion will include enjoying 40-45 minutes in the wonderfully relaxing state of hypnosis, while Penny gives you the suggestions you need to make it easier for you to achieve your goal.

@(Email us for in-office)

Use Promo Code, “Breathe Easy” when you call 888-865-1870


2 comments on “Penny Hanson
  1. Rich Elmore says:

    May I ask what is your professional fee per session.
    Do you also take credit cards or

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