Hypnosis Related Articles
Thu, Feb 12 2009
You Want to Stop Smoking, But You Don’t Know Why It’s So Hard
by Suzanne Kellner-Zinck
I just had a client who decided it was time to give up smoking again and wants it to work for the long term. She was waking up every morning coughing for longer periods of time, and it was obvious that her body was trying to tell her that she was poisoning herself and that she needed to quit. She was also sick of using her energy to figure out how she was going to fit in smoking while her grandchildren visit or being with all her friends who are now non-smokers.
It seemed to be a fairly straightforward case, until we got to the point where we were working on getting her conscious and unconscious mind to work together to assist her in stopping her smoking habit. While she was in trance, I asked her if the two minds would work together and she responded “no;” this was the first time a client had responded so. I inquired further to find out that she was rebelling against her family’s wish for her to stop smoking. She resented them for the way they treated her as the baby of the family (she has five older siblings and there are thirteen years between the eldest and herself). She was also sick of being the peacemaker, a role she took on as a child. Keeping her smoking habit was her way to “get even” with her family.
Further along in the process, we found out the true reason why she was keeping her habit: she was unable to get her needs satisfied because she never spoke up for herself. She could easily speak up for others whom she thought were being hurt, but to speak up for herself and her needs- never, for no one saw her as the grown woman she is. At 63 years of age it was about time she learned how to speak her own truth and get her own needs taken care of.
I had her do some forgiveness work relating to her siblings. Next, we allowed her inner child to feel taken care of by the adult that she now is, allowing her to state her needs in a responsible fashion, opening up her throat chakra where the voice resides. Once that was accomplished she easily finished off the session as a non-smoker for the rest of her life.
If you are having a difficult time stopping smoking, understand that only about 5% of the population needs the extra help for what is most likely an unconscious reason. Get yourself a competent hypnotist who will not only do a normal smoking cessation process with you, but who also knows that sometimes there is more to be cleared than the presenting problem itself, and who has the skill to help you to accomplish your goal successfully.
Are you ready to continue smoking?
By R. Freid
Wed, May 04 2011
Are you ready to continue smoking? What? That’s Right. I asked you the question are you ready to continue smoking? We all make choices in life. If you have already seen me and stopped smoking or have made arrangements to do a stop smoking program that is great. If you have not called me or some other program to stop smoking, then you have chosen to continue smoking. Are you sure you are ready for that choice whether you smoke in NJ or somewhere else? Are you ready to lose a leg? Do you have long term disability insurance? Who will take care of your family when smoking takes you? If you do not have a family, do you expect your boyfriend/girlfriend or parents to take care of you? Are you willing to take an oxygen mask with you everywhere you go? If the answer to any of the above questions are no, then you are not ready to continue smoking, yet you are. That is a contradiction within yourself.
Naturally, I am in the business of selling hypnosis, but if you are inspired to stop cold turkey, that is wonderful (most people fail with cold turkey). Your answer cannot be no, you are not willing to lose a leg or be on oxygen forever and you are ready to continue smoking for that is not logical and not dealing with reality. In the nine years I have been in private practice as a hypnotist, I have had many clients come to me on oxygen tanks, thanking me for helping them get off their cigarettes forever, but expressing with tearful eyes that they wished they had come to me sooner. By the same token, I have had young people, with wisdom advanced perhaps their years come to me not wanting all of those things happen. All of the horrible what if’s I have raised above are from actual smokers that I have met. I have also had a small number of people tell me that they are not ready to give up smoking. How stupid is that? That is sad that abuse of self and quite often others that goes on with smoking. Yes, it is abuse to smoke by other people, the laws have just not caught up yet.
Did you know, if you go to mail tobacco, you have to tell the Post Office that tobacco is enclosed since it is a hazardous substance? When you smoke, do you go where no one else is in sight or will be coming, such as the the last space in a parking lot? Or do you do what I see smokers do all of the time, park where it is convenient for you and smoke away regardless of your victims? What difference do you see when you see a heroin junkie in a movie and a smoker? Not much; smokers are in a downward spiral even if they are not aware of it. The smoker is actually taking more victims, causing cancer, increasing asthma. Stop! With you smoking. Stop with your excuses. You are done. When you are endangering/affecting others with your second hand and even third hand smoke in New Jersey. Who are you to do that? People, such as that can chose to be losers in life, or to be winners with stop smoking with hypnosis in New Jersey forever. You can have a life of horror and misery from smoking or a life of serenity free from the false need of cigarettes
The Hole
By Linda Stark
Tue, Jan 18 2011
At some time in our life, we may feel an uncomfortable hole in our belly. This uncomfortable feeling aches to be taken care of, like a little niggle. This may have occurred when we were a child or even as an adult. Perhaps one time we find something that seems to make that hole shrink and the irritating niggle goes away. A light bulb then goes off in our mind. We have found something that seems to fill that hole for us, so we do it again and again and again. All of this is fine until we start to feel GUILTY. Once the guilt seeps in, which is usually not more than a minute later, the hole gets bigger than ever. And this process becomes a never ending habit for us.
This hole is usually filled with destructive habits such as smoking, excessive eating, pornography, procrastination, gambling, drugs, alcohol, and just about any addictive behavior that creates guilt. Guilt would occur anytime we feel like “why did I do that yet again”?
What to do? Any time we feel guilty our self esteem is greatly diminished. We do however need to fill that gapping hole with things that aren’t associated with guilt. So what are some hole fillers or hole shrinkers that do not create guilt? We each have our own answer for that. Perhaps it could be reading, having coffee with a friend, taking a walk, exercising, doing something kind for someone, and the list goes on. Once the hole is filled with these positive kinds of actions, and we no longer act on our guilt laden actions, our hole begins to shrink.
To get over an addiction takes a lot of work. Perhaps you have tried it on your own and have not had any luck. Often this is because you can’t seem to see yourself not having this addiction. Hypnotherapy could be the answer for you. In a state of Hypnotherapy the subconscious mind is brought to the forefront. A picture can be created for the subconscious mind to visualize for you to see yourself without that addiction. With this mental visualization, your conscious mind can then assist you with moving on to a place to have a diminishing hole, high self esteem and reacting to life without guilt.
Smoking Cessation and Hypnotherapy
By A Leon
Three like individuals are offered an opportunity to smoke a cigarette for the first time in their lives. One will completely reject the offer. The other two will accept the offer. Only one will continue to develop a smoking habit. The other will determine that the experience is not essential to his/her life and never smoke again. Why is there such a discrepancy in these responses?
In my work with people who have been habituated or addicted to behaviors that are toxic to their health or mental health, one thing stands out. All of them seem to have some allegiance to a rule that causes them to need to manage an internal tension. It is as if there is a program in place that calls for short term relief of tension, even in the face of logic that tells the person that the proposed behavior will be toxic or harmful in the longer run. The other two people are able to process and weigh the information and choose, wisely, to move on.
When I began my practice of hypnotherapy, I began using the established scripts and techniques which usually involve direct suggestions to the subconscious not to smoke, reinforced by suggestions of negative consequences or personal affirmations. The commonality is that all these systems seem to deal with the present behavior as if it stands alone in the mind, an exclusion from all the other systems operating in the person’s life.
I was particularly impressed by a client who had exhibited deep trance and excellent motivation to stop smoking. She called the next day to say that she went home and threw away all her cigarettes and smoking paraphernalia. The following week, she came in and reported that in the interim, she was called to attend a funeral. After the burial, the friends and family gathered to eat and socialize. Many were smoking and she decided that she was doing very well and could smoke “just one cigarette” to be social. She immediately reverted to her previous chain smoking behavior and returned home to “dive into” a fifty gallon trash can and retrieve her smoking supplies.
A Thompson
Tue, May 05 2009
Why Hypnotherapy?
What is hypnosis, anyway? Hypnosis is simply a method of helping you relax your body and your conscious mind, so that you can gain access to your subconscious. This kind of calm, relaxed state is referred to as a trance state. If you’ve ever daydreamed, done guided imagery or meditation, you’ve been in a trance state. And every night as you fall asleep, you pass through this same alpha-brain-wave, trance state, as well.
When you’re in a trance state, the subconscious is more open and accessible, and it will readily accept “post-hypnotic suggestions,” which are simply positive suggestions in the areas we’re working on together. These suggestions are like little seeds planted in the subconscious, so they help you make changes from that automatic, subconscious level. So you’re not so much relying on your conscious mind’s willpower, but instead you’re harnessing the power of your subconscious to help you achieve your goals.
These goals are as varied as the clients I see, but they may include stress reduction, self-esteem, self-confidence, weight loss, nonsmoking, fears and phobias, success and motivation, pain control, physical and emotional healing, and inner-child work.
I personally believe that the source of all health and well-being is within each of us. But sometimes we come up against blocks to our growth and achievement, things that seem to sabotage even our best intentions.
These blocks are stored in our subconscious and may consist of false beliefs and behavior patterns that no longer serve us. Since they’re stored in the subconscious, that’s where we have to go to change and release them. Together, we “re-tape” your outdated beliefs and habits, so that you can empower yourself to make the changes you desire in your life.
So, allow me to help you empower yourself to make the changes you desire in your life!
Wed, Apr 01 2009
H Newsom
Consulting Hypnotists For Financial StressMajor news outlets reported earlier this year that hypnotists across the country have seen an increase of clients seeking help with increased financial stress. Although smoking cessation, weight control and stress have always been the most common reasons people go to hypnotists’ offices, things have changed with the economy downing.
According to the Wall Street Journal columnist, Mary Pilon, reporting in that newspaper’s financial section, this nationwide increase in hypnosis clients occurred primarily in the financial centers such as Wall Street, but also has spread across the country to include average citizens as well, not just the traders, brokers and other financial professionals.
Certified Hypnotherapist, Hazel Newsom, verifies that there has definitely been an increase in clients seeking relief from the stress caused by their personal financial situations. Many clients simply want to stop smoking to save money spent on cigarettes, while others need hypnotic help to start thinking more positively, and to help reduce their financial stress.
Miles away from the major financial centers, consulting hypnotists still have seen an increase in clients who need to adapt their life styles to accommodate a change in income, or have other personal problems resulting from the economic downturn.
“Hypnosis is not a magic wand, but simply a way of helping clients adjust their thinking, change their behaviors, and ultimately achieve their personal goals,” according to Dr. Dwight Damon, president of the 12,000 member National Guild of Hypnotists. “We work with ordinary, everyday people for ordinary, everyday problems, and financial stress certainly fits into that spectrum.”
Thu, Jan 29 2009
As Valentine’s Day approaches we reflect on those we love. Life can truly be magical. A happy glow may actually surround some new couples, when love is in the air. But when we get to the heart of the matter with love also comes heartache. Loss of friendships, our love relationships, and deaths can cause extreme heartbreak, which can be felt as a physical wound directly in the heart. My heart is broken or I felt stabbed right in the heart are two phrases that have very deep meanings.
These wounds are real and cause injury to the physical body. As a Hypnotherapist I focus on emotional pain. On an energetic level anger is the top emotion to get stored in the heart. Anger creates a somatic response in the heart because issues of anger are very personal in nature. Fears may prelude an anger response. Emotional issues and traumas are sometimes hard to sort out because of their complexity. Emotions literally attach or compound themselves with one another. Resentment, jealousy, betrayal, frustration, guilt, are some emotions that compound with anger. Fears will often linger elsewhere in the body but can be attached; I view the stomach region as a main area as worries attach as another part of the problem. Our hearts can literally flutter and race from anxiety. Anxiety may reside over the whole body, the heart, or other areas such as the head. We are all unique to our personal emotional pain. The mind body connection resides in each and everyone of us.
As an Acupressurist, anger will affect the liver and gallbladder meridians. Meridians are energetic channels in the body. The liver plays and important role with the heart as a blood organ, as do the kidneys and spleen. The liver meridian comes directly into the area of the heart, so these other organs and systems will feel effects. Excessive joy or lack of joy can cause disharmonies of the heart and small intestine meridian. Some common symptoms of heart issues in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are palpitations, shortness of breath or rapid breathing, insomnia, night sweats, menopause, circulatory issues for control of the blood and vessels, anxiousness, being easily startled, anxiety, depression, mood swings, and confusion. Disharmonies and imbalances are created from our emotional energies leading to physical ailments and mental disturbances.
Releasing anger, hostilities, emotions, and unresolved grief are your best bet for a healthy happy life. Forgiveness and acceptance are part of the healing process. The next time you get angry pay attention and see where you feel anger in your body, become very aware. It’s your life get heart smart for your health and well being.
Let your love grow, love yourself, and enjoy this Happy Valentines Day!
Fri, Jan 09 2009
S Jean
Hypnosis is simply a state of mind. If you’ve ever been driving and found yourself at your destination thinking, ‘How’d I get here?’ you’ve been in a state of hypnosis. The same is true of getting lost in a book or a daydream. We all slip in and out of hypnosis dozens of times each day. When people are in this state, they are less likely to use their critical thinking skills or as we say, they ‘bypass the critical mind’. Advertisers are artful hypnotists; they give us suggestions that, for example, drinking soda is like being tan and twenty jumping off a rope swing into a refreshing mountain lake. Suggestions go straight to the subconscious, and we find ourselves trying that new soda….
This can be useful in marketing – or in breaking bad habits and gaining new skills. Universally, bad habits come from the subconscious mind. I’ve never met a person yet who declares, ‘Today I’m going to bite my nails to the quick’, or ‘I am fully committed to smoking two packs of cigarettes today’, or ‘I promise myself that today I will consume 500 extra calories’. To the contrary, most of us promise ourselves the opposite, and experience guilt as we find our fingernails between our teeth, or as we open that second sleeve of Oreos.
Similarly, most of us don’t hit the golf course vowing to send every other ball into the sand trap, or head to the game determined to drop every pass. But how do we talk to ourselves when we succeed or fail? For many of us, our failure talk usually sounds like this: ‘I’ll NEVER be any good at this game!’ And our success talk? ‘Guess I just got lucky that time. Probably won’t happen again.
In every case, we play out the script that is written in our subconscious mind. In order to change our behavior, we need to change these scripts. We need to make ourselves fully believe that we hit three under par, have smooth healthy nails, are a non-smoker, eat healthfully. As anyone who has tried to break these habits can attest, fighting with ourselves in our prefrontal cortex – our conscious mind – is not the solution.
Hypnosis, on the other hand, has a pretty good track record. It was approved by Pope Pius XII in 1956 and by the American Medical Association in 1958. When used for therapeutic purposes, hypnosis is an effective tool for changing behavior, breaking bad habits, achieving new success. It is also very powerful in overcoming anxiety and phobias, reducing stress, and treating depression. It is a voluntary interaction between the hypnotist and the client.
Contrary to what has been portrayed in fiction, people cannot be ‘mind-controlled’ into doing what they do not want to do. People under hypnosis never lose control (no matter what you may have concluded after watching a stage hypnosis show), they don’t tell secrets, and they always come out of hypnosis – usually feeling better than before they went in.