Barbara Stafford

Barbara Stafford

☎ Also offers telehealth services (online therapy phone/video).✔
☎ Toll-Free 888-865-1870 to be connected to this office

Barbara Stafford, CHt,- Healthy Life Centers certified ✔
Office address:
2161 Academy Blvd N
Colorado Springs, CO 80909

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Barbara Stafford

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Barbara Stafford, CMS-CHt
Certified Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist

Colorado Springs, CO

I do not promise miracles – I want you to desire to be open to them. This is what I
tell my clients and I am so pleased and excited to be part of their many
healing journeys. I truly love being a hypnotherapist and helping my
clients realize the miracles that their subconscious mind can conceive and
My specialties are stress reduction, pain control, weight
alteration, tobacco cessation and disease modification.
The greatest compliment I can ever receive is the smile on my clients’
faces after a session. It is such an empowering feeling for both of us.
Every day that I work with my clients for their transformation is a
miracle to me.
Barbara Stafford
I am currently the only
Certified Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist in Colorado Springs, having attended the internationally renowned Hypnotherapy Academy of America in Santa Fe, NM. I am also a Fellow of the International Board of Hypnotherapy. To be a CMS-CHt, one must first have completed the most extensive training offered by any hypnotherapy
academy and pass the Board examinations.

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Use Promo Code, “Breathe Easy” when you call 888-865-1870


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2 comments on “Barbara Stafford
  1. Looking forward to assisting you in your goals for 2013. Remember I do not promise miracles – I suggest being open to them.

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