Diane Carlin
☎ Toll-Free 888-865- 1870 for a free consultation
Update** Diane retired some time ago. Please call to be referred elsewhere.**
2607 Preston Hwy
Louisville, Kentucky, KY 40217
Diane Carlin RN MSN Certified Hypnotherapist
Diane has been helping Healthy Life Centers clients for over 7 years.
Helping ordinary people with ordinary problems get better, is her motto
Give other people what they want and they’ll give you what you want… My philosophy, and it works!!
I believe love is the key to everything. Love means: do unto others as you would have it done unto you. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Bible
I believe in Situation Ethics where Love is the determining factor.
My business motto: Give others what they want and they’ll give you what you want.
or dial 888 865 1870
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