Heather Novak
Toll-Free 888-865-1870
Office address:
1672 Orinda Court
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
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“Why I founded my healing hypnotherapy practice in 1999 to help people change their behaviors and thinking processes in areas that were no longer working for them”
As I’ve worked with hundreds of people in my hypnosis business and talked with thousands
I see there is a certain something that’s an absolute requirement when wanting to SHIFT a behavior or pattern. Hence, the C.A.L.M. Method has been revealed to me.
It assists in calming the mind and increasing your success to stop smoking. The CALM method is done in the mind and it is comprised of multiple parts. As it’s an acronym, the first part of the process designates the C in CALM. This C has 3 separate components.
The first C is CHOOSE. When we want to shift something, we must CHOOSE our desired outcome. It requires ourselves to get CLEAR about what it is that we REALLY desire. It’s easy to complain about what’s not working or what we don’t like, but what’s the resolution? What is it that we desire to CREATE? (so many C’s to cover in this first component). Once we CHOOSE where to put our attention, we can COMMIT to this choice. We must connect within to really know if what we say that we WANT, we really do want. If yes, we really do want it, then are we really willing to COMMIT to it?
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