Jason Kropidlowski
☎ Also offers telehealth services (online therapy phone/video).✔ ☎ Toll-Free 888-865-1870 to be connected to this office
Jason Kropidlowski CH – Healthy Life Centers certified ✔ Office address: The Laurelton Building500 Helendale Rd.
Suite 155
Rochester, NY 14609 and 11555 Central Parkway
Suite 701
Jacksonville FL 32224
For more information, feel free to check out his website“Each client who visits my office has the opportunity to address specific problems in their life, and I strive to ensure they leave feeling inspired, motivated, confident, and relaxed—starting from the very first visit. Is hypnosis right for you?
I offer two options for those looking to quit smoking: a painless, gradual program or an equally painless, withdrawal-free stop smoking session. High success rates are achievable for smokers who are truly committed to quitting and becoming lifelong non-smokers. Hypnosis is an incredibly effective tool to help you quit smoking for good.
Today, I’m available to share the life-changing benefits of hypnosis with clients from all walks of life. My mission is to provide the highest quality professional hypnosis consultation to each and every client.
I have convenient offices in both New York and Florida. Feel free to call for a free consultation anytime.”
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