Vance Larson
8730 Greenfield Court
Odenton, Maryland 21113
So who are my clients?
My clients come from all walks of life
. They are people just like you who have encountered a tough time in their lives. My clients range from the busy professional to the stay at home parent. My clients use me for many different reasons. Some may use me as supplemental support to their already in place support system. Some use me as a resource while going through a health problem. Whatever their reason, their comfort is my concern.
Life Coaching
Client Advocacy
Hypnotherapy {See Hypnosis}
Executive Coaching
Recovery Coach/Services
Hospital Visitation
Phone Conferences/Support
Accompaniment To Doctors Appointments
Accompaniment To 12 Step Meetings
Group Facilitation
Email Support
I’m a Buddhist that embraces the Wiccan tradition and follows Christ. It matters not to me what you believe, only that your life reflects positive energy.
Favorite Quotations
“No one who does good work will ever come to a bad end” Bhagavad Gita
To fear death is nothing other than to think oneself wise when one is not. For it is to think one knows what one does not know. No one knows whether death may not even turn out to be the greatest blessings of human beings. …And yet people fear it as if they knew for certain it is the greatest evil.
~ Socrates ~
To Touch Is To Heal- U2
@(Email us for in-office)
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