Category: e-cigarette

Why Are They Marketing E-Cigarettes to Children?

by Mark Barrus The FDA has announced an intent to regulate E-Cigarettes, according to Tobacco Free Hall County and will change its jurisdiction to include e-cigs along with all other tobacco products. Great…. but what’s the timetable? How long will

Tobacco Education & Research Oversight Committee


The Tobacco Education & Research Oversight Committee is developing a letter to be shared with all school governing boards. That letter takes the position that the same prohibitions should be placed on electronic nicotine delivery systems as are placed on

Using the e-cigarette is like a gambler who wants to simply gamble less

Dan Kimm photo

by Dan Kimm CH       Does it really replace traditional smoking with a “safer” alternative? Wonder where they grow the “Smokeless” tobacco? (Pun intended) BLU e-cigarettes proudly state on their website: AMERICAN MADE SMOKE JUICE~ “Smoke Juice? Do they

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