Orange County Tobacco Education Coalition Meeting – Monday, 1/13/2020

OCTEC: Reminder! OCTEC Meeting and Orientation – Monday, 1/13/2020

Orange County Tobacco Education Coalition Meeting


Monday, January 13, 2020

9:30 a.m. New Member Orientation*

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Meeting

1725 W. 17th St, Bldg. 1729 E, Santa Ana, CA 92706

Orange County Health Care Agency, Public Health Learning Center (located in the rear parking lot)

The draft agenda and 11/19/2019 meeting minutes are attached.

Please reply if you would like to add anything to the agenda.

Join your fellow partners for the first coalition meeting of the year which features

the reveal of the new coalition name and logo, various Orange County policy project updates and more!
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”4-1-6_Agenda_OCTEC_2020.01.13″]

9:45 – 10:00 Networking (Optional) 

10:00 – 10:10 Welcome & Introductions 

10:10 – 10:15 Review & Approve Prior Meeting Minutes 

10:15 – 10:20 OCTEC City Work Group Updates – Anaheim, Garden Grove, Santa Ana & Westminster 

10:20 – 10:30 Policy Project Updates – America On Track 

10:30 – 10:40 Policy Project Updates – National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence – OC 

10:40 – 10:50 Policy Project Updates – The G.R.E.E.N. Foundation 

10:50 – 11:00 Policy Project Updates – Waymakers 

11:00 – 11:10 Policy Project Updates – American Lung Association 

11:10 – 11:20 Networking Break 

11:20 – 11:50 Coalition Updates – Ryan Crowdis, OCTEC Chair and Hang Nguyen, OCTEC Vice Chair 

11:50 – 12:00 Member Announcements & Requests 

For members to share upcoming events, programs, and opportunities. 

12:00 Adjourn 

The next Coalition Meeting is March 24, 2020 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. 

2020 OCTEC MEETING DATES 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at 1725 W. 17th St., Bldg. 1729 E, Santa Ana, CA 92706 

January 13th 

July 21st March 24th 

September 15th May 19th 

November 17th 

Contacts: Ryan Crowdis, Chair: (714) 966-4451, Hang Nguyen, Vice Chair: (714) 897-2214, 

Shakia Jackson, TUPP Staff: (714) 834-4545, 

Orange County Tobacco Education Coalition Collaboration ● Advocacy ● Compassion 

The mission of the OCTEC is to reduce the use of tobacco and non-cessation nicotine (including electronic delivery systems) and to reduce exposure to secondhand smoke and vapor in Orange County. 

Meeting Agenda 

Monday, January 13, 2020 9:30 a.m. New Member Orientation + 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Meeting 

1725 W. 17th St., Bldg. 1729 E, Santa Ana, CA 92706 Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the 

response to the error that counts. 

Nikki Giovanni 

[pdf-embedder url=””]

Orange County Tobacco Education Coalition (OCTEC) Collaboration ● Advocacy ● Compassion 

The mission of the OCTEC is to reduce the use of tobacco and non-cessation nicotine (including electronic delivery systems) and to reduce exposure to secondhand smoke and vapor in Orange County. 

Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2019 

Abdul-Malik O., Cal State Fullerton Alexa W., American Heart Association Alicia C., OCHCA/Tobacco Use Prevention Program Alicia N., The GREEN Foundation Alyssa F., Cal State Fullerton Amber S., Cal State Fullerton Amy N., Cal State Fullerton Anabel B., OCHCA/Tobacco Use Prevention Program Andrea P., OCHCA/Tobacco Use Prevention Program Andres A., Waymakers Anna S., CalOptima Araz M., Waymakers Ashley D., National Council on Alcoholism and Drug 

Dependence-Orange County Asusena S., Cal State Fullerton Blair V., National Council on Alcoholism and Drug 

Dependence-Orange County Brigitte L., Orange County Sherriff’s Department Brittney M.-B., American Lung Association Bryant M., National Council on Alcoholism and Drug 

Dependence-Orange County Caroline N., Cal State Fullerton Casey K., OCHCA/Tobacco Use Prevention Program Celeste O., Cal State Fullerton Chris T., Cal State Fullerton Christina R., Waymakers Dannie C., We Breathe / Health Access California Dario G., Santa Ana Police Department / Police Athletic 

and Activity League Elijah G., Cal State Fullerton Elizabeth H., 1-866-NEW-LUNG Emily L., National Council on Alcoholism and Drug 

Dependence-Orange County Gaby G., Community Action Partnership of Orange County Gina K., 1-866-NEW-LUNG Harold C., Waymakers Jaina P., 1-866-NEW-LUNG Jasmine H., Cal State Fullerton Jason S., Cal State Fullerton Jenny B., 1-866-NEW-LUNG Jenny V., Cal State Fullerton John H., Santa Ana Police Department / Police Athletic and 

Activity League Jonathan G., University of California, Irvine Cancer Center 

Jonathan L., Pediatrician Julie P., California Tobacco Control Program Karla L., Cal State Fullerton Khoi P., 1-866-NEW-LUNG Kristy N., OCHCA/Tobacco Use Prevention Program Larry S., Cal State Fullerton Lauren G., Wellness & Prevention Lynda B., American Cancer Society / Cancer Awareness 

Network Malak K., University of California, Irvine Melissa S., Cal State Fullerton Mona M., Santa Ana College Monica F., OCHCA/Tobacco Use Prevention Program Nabila B., OCHCA/Tobacco Use Prevention Program Nalani F., Cal State Fullerton Nancy N., Community Member Nang A., 1-866-NEW-LUNG Natalie D., National Council on Alcoholism and Drug 

Dependence-Orange County Neil U., Community Member Nikki N., Cal State Fullerton Rhonda F., OCHCA/Tobacco Use Prevention Program Ruth A., OCHCA/Tobacco Use Prevention Program Samantha K., CalOptima Shakia J., OCHCA/Tobacco Use Prevention Program Shayne G., America On Track Starr A., Cal State Fullerton Sydney, Cal State Fullerton Terry O., Community Member Tiffany M., National Council on Alcoholism and Drug 

Dependence-Orange County Tracy N., Cal State Fullerton Vanessa L., Cal State Fullerton Vicky A., Anaheim Union High School District Victoria V., OCHCA/Tobacco Use Prevention Program Vivian V., Cal State Fullerton Yaneth R., University of Southern California/Hispanic 

Latino Coordinating Center Yesenia H., Cal State Fullerton Yvonne M., Community Action Partnership of Orange 

County Zaira R., 1-866-NEW-LUNG 

  1. Welcome & Introductions 

Ryan welcomed everyone. Due to the large meeting attendance, Ryan asked attendees to introduce themselves at their tables. 

  1. Review & Approve Prior Meeting Minutes 

The September 16, 2019 meeting minutes were approved. 

III. OCTEC City Work Group Updates – Ryan Crowdis, OCTEC Chair 

  1. The Santa Ana Work Group is currently brainstorming ways on how to work with existing youth groups in Santa 

Ana. The work group is also progressing on forming their resource sheet for Santa Ana residents. B. The Garden Grove Work Group will be meeting in December 2019. C. The Anaheim Work Group has been working on CalOptima’s Great American Smokeout Event to take place on 

November 21, 2019 at Ponderosa Park Family Resource Center. D. The Westminster Work Group is planning an event at the Westminster Family Resource Center to coincide with 

the Great American Smokeout. 

  1. Tutorial – Jaina Pallasigui, 1-866-NEW-LUNG 
  2. Jaina demonstrated how to navigate the website. She showed how prospective clients 

can access information on smoking and vaping cessation services and other useful resources. B. Currently, 1-866-NEW-LUNG offers smoking cessation services in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean and Farsi. 

When selecting any of these languages on the website, users are routed to a translated webpage featuring cessation staff who are fluent in the targeted language. In the future, 1-866-NEW-LUNG will be offering services in Chinese, Cantonese and Arabic. C. A new feature of the website is podcasts. The podcast previews what topics may be discussed during 1-866-NEW- 

LUNG’s 5-Session Smoking Cessation Series. During a 5-Session Series, participants meet one hour each week for five weeks as a group. 1. Other cessation methods offered include the Group Series. In the Group Series, participants are in a group 

seminar that lasts 1-2 hours. 1-866-NEW-LUNG also offers individual counseling as well as telephone counseling. They provide quit kits to everyone who participates in cessation services. They can also provide nicotine patches to adult participants. 2. Jaina demonstrated how clients can sign up for these services on the website. D. Jaina demonstrated how to navigate to other helpful resources including cessation class schedules, testimonials 

page, brochures, monthly newsletter, and the “Why do I smoke?” quiz. 

  1. 2019 Coalition Assessment Survey Discussion – Ryan Crowdis, OCTEC Chair & Hang Nguyen, OCTEC Vice Chair 
  2. Annual Coalition Assessment Survey 
  3. Assessed coalition demographics, functioning, engagement and satisfaction. 2. The 2018-2019 survey was administered in June 2019 to 31 active coalition members. Active members are 

defined as members who have attended at least two coalition meetings during that fiscal year. There were 20 responses for a 64.5% response rate. B. What has OCTEC done to address 2018 Survey Feedback? 

  1. Created four city work groups to increase coalition activities and activate members to work towards a 

common goal. Since January 2019, 19 work group meetings have been conducted. 2. Implemented an official Orientation Process and administered the orientation to all coalition members present during the July 2019 meeting. The orientation has since been given to new members on a one-to-one basis. 3. Tabled at various community events to disseminate information as well as recruit diverse and non-traditional 

partners and other new members. 4. Hosted a CTCP Engaging Decision Makers Training during the May 2019 OCTEC Meeting 5. Hosted a CYAN Youth Engagement Training during the September 2019 OCTEC Meeting 6. Attended multiple community events including the Westminster School District Health Fair, Garden Grove 

Drug Free Coalition Meeting, the City Of Anaheim Human Services Network Meeting, the Westminster Hope and Opportunity Meeting and the CalOptima Great American Smokeout planning meetings to increase community involvement. 

  1. The executive committee is assessing what the coalition is doing well and areas for improvement. They would like 

the coalition’s input. Today’s discussion goals include the following: 1. Sharing survey results 2. Collect any additional feedback to further improve coalition operations D. Ryan and Hang presented results of the FY 2018-2019 Coalition Assessment Survey and posted the following 

questions to attendees: 1. What tangible goals would you like to see OCTEC accomplish in the next year? 

  1. Feedback Received: 
  • Coalition members would like more opportunities to come together to help each other meet goals in funded projects. Some coalition members do not have the full inventory of the other members’ project goals. 
  1. Shakia advised that OCTEC has an inventory of policy work and projects happening in Orange 

County. She can send it to all coalition members. 

  • Coalition members would like more updates on what is going on in Orange County. They would also like more ongoing updates from the City Work Groups. 
  1. Shakia advised that when she sends update emails to the coalition, the updates come from coalition members. She can implement a system for the whole of the coalition to receive more regular City Work Group Updates. 
  • Coalition members would like to see more decision makers participate in the coalition. One proposed suggestion is to have the coalition hold one meeting, invite 15 or more officials, then introduce and discuss what the coalition does. 2. What are some strategies that you as a coalition member can personally implement to increase participation 

of diverse and non-traditional partners? a. Feedback received: 

  • Schedule a meeting where members invite as many potential partners as desired, then introduce and discuss what the coalition does. 
  1. Identifying Stressors Experienced by the LGBTQ Community and Its Contributions Towards Tobacco Use – Dannie 

Ceseña, California LGBTQ Health and Human Services Network 

  1. Dannie presented on how various stressors experienced by the LGBTQ community can contribute to tobacco use. 

More information on this research will be shared in the future. 

VII. Tobacco Control 101 Presentation – Andrea Portenier, Orange County Health Care Agency 

  1. Andrea presented a brief early history of tobacco. She also provided an overview on current tobacco cultivation, 

curing, manufacturing and distribution methods. She reviewed how these processes affects the environment. She also examined the health and economic effects on tobacco growers and of tobacco consumption. The PowerPoint presentation will be available to anyone who is interested. B. Topics included: a Brief History of Tobacco, The Tobacco Life Cycle: Tobacco Cultivation and Curing and Impacts, 

Tobacco Farming, Tobacco Manufacturing and Distribution and Its Impacts, and Tobacco Consumption and its Effects C. Topics to be covered in future presentations: Additional tobacco history, Tobacco advertising and marketing and 

Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. 

VIII. Member Announcements & Requests 

  1. Shakia advised that electronic voting on the new coalition name will occur in December 2019. B. CalOptima’s Great American Smokeout event will occur on Thursday, November 21, 2019, from 1:30 – 5:30 p.m. 

at the Ponderosa Park Family Resource Center in Anaheim. C. Yaneth shared that there are new resources available related to the Hispanic community on the California Health 

Collaborative website at Resources are available in both English and Spanish. 

  1. Next OCTEC Meeting: Monday, January 13, 2020 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.