Category: FDA

Additives in Tobacco And Their Effects On Health

harmful additives in tobacco

The most common use of tobacco is in cigarette products which include hundreds of additives that modify the properties of tobacco and the experience of smoking tobacco. In recent decades, cigarette manufacturers have progressively been adding more additives to their

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Who are these “Experts” that are contemplating the end of smoking?

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by Mark Barrus Mike Stobbe of the Associated Press (AP Medical Writer) Wrote a very good article recently, with a very provocative title called Experts increasingly contemplate end of smoking   AP Photo-Dan Grossi.jpg   I just wanted to compliment

Why Are They Marketing E-Cigarettes to Children?

by Mark Barrus The FDA has announced an intent to regulate E-Cigarettes, according to Tobacco Free Hall County and will change its jurisdiction to include e-cigs along with all other tobacco products. Great…. but what’s the timetable? How long will

FDA: Stop Marketing E-Cigs as Quit Smoking Devices

James Hazlerig photo

“FDA: Stop Marketing E-Cigs as Quit Smoking Devices” by James Hazlerig The FDA has declared that electronic cigarettes, which deliver nicotine in a vaporized form, are not quit smoking devices. They are in fact tobacco products, just like cigarettes, cigars,

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And it’s still on the Market?

chantix-now-linked-to-heart-risk-july-05-2011 And it’s still on the Market? Love the commercials with the “Non-Actors” The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sure missed the ball on this one. Pfizer’s once touted stop smoking drug has recreated yet another black eye: A