Unassisted Changes Are Very Difficult

Unassisted Changes Are Very Difficult

by Linda Stark

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With the beginning of this new year, you have probably made some great resolutions like ” Wow, this is going to be the year that I am going to quit smoking, lose weight..or just fill in your resolution. By February any thought of change has usually gone South. Why, we might ask ourselves?

The reason is that as time goes on we have a hard time visualizing what it would look like not having this habit, and therefore, we can’t visually see what this change would look like. Unassisted changes are very difficult. This is why by February most people have given up on their resolutions.

With hypnotherapy you actually have a chance to see what it looks like to be smoke free, to be at our ideal weight, or you can just fill in the blank of the thing that you would like to change. In hypnosis you are taken to a very relaxed place, very close to sleep so that in your minds eye you can see this transformation actually taking place. Hypnosis takes you down the path of recovery. This very pleasant vehicle for change is unlike any thing else. It is the easiest, most relaxing way to make changes in your life and get yourself on a path of your choosing.

Allow yourself to be the person that you have always dreamed of being. It only takes a phone call or an email and you can be where you want to be for the rest of your life.

Linda Stark Change Agent
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Mark Barrus

Mark Barrus is the Director of Healthy Life Centers. I have been in the Hypnosis industry for over 20 years, and have written many articles about the efficacy and effectiveness of Hypnotherapy to overcome unwanted habits and actions. Twenty years of Case Study research and examination have helped me to inform the industry on the results and be a leader in the field. I originally worked with Dr. Richard Neves, the former head of the American Board of Hypnotherapy, training other Hypnotherapists in Advanced Smoking Cessation protocols. In February 2005, we also started Healthy Life Centers, in Orange County, CA