A Guide On Using Hypnosis For Anxiety

What exactly is anxiety?
Anxiety, usually referred to as General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) by psychiatrists is a debilitating mental condition that is surprisingly common. Approximately 5% of the world’s population suffers from some form of anxiety and almost twice as many women than men suffer from this illness. Anxiety is usually a pathway illness and most sufferers also have depression and other psychological issues. However, there is a form of complementary help that should be considered; hypnosis for anxiety could help to alleviate this condition over time. Before we look at the use of hypnosis to help with anxiety, we will first look at the different types of anxiety that exist.
The first is phobias. A phobia is an irrational fear that can cause great anxiety and may cause the individual to completely avoid social situations that are necessary for daily life. A few common phobias include arachnophobia, situational phobias, natural environment phobias, etc. Other ways in which anxiety exist include mood swings, nail-biting, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and adjustment disorders.
What are some good ways to overcome anxiety without drugs?
Now that we have covered the types of anxiety, we will now look at hypnosis as a method to alleviate it. Unfortunately, many people look at hypnosis with suspicion and mistakenly think it is used to brainwash people. This is far from the truth as hypnosis can be used as a great tool for healing. It is said that illness starts in the mind, and hypnosis allows people to deprogram the mind from the negative, and reprogram with positive suggestions, which makes it an amazing complementary tool in the medical world.
The first step in hypnosis is to help the client to deeply relax. In order to access the subconscious mind, the conscious mind needs to be bypassed. However, the aim of using hypnosis for anxiety is to allow the client to be so relaxed that the hypnotist can affect their subconscious and remove the fear and triggers related to the object of their phobia.
In order to help the client relax, many hypnotists use techniques such as direct suggestion, the counting method, counting imagery, progressive relaxation, autogenic training and pure imagery. Once the client is in a deeply relaxed and hypnotized state, the hypnotist can then begin analytical and suggestive approaches. If using these methods, basically he/she has to determine the cause or source of the client’s anxiety. By finding the true source of the problem, then they will be able to help work on the problem and eliminate it. Once this source has been found, the hypnotist can then use the power of suggestion to help the client through their anxiety and over time, they can take overcome it.
As you can see, hypnotism is a powerful tool that has great potential to heal the human mind. If you are interested in this method of complementary healing, then the first step is to identify qualified and certified practitioners that specialize in hypnosis, and have a minimum of a few years of experience. It may seem difficult to allow someone into your head, but, if you truly desire to get rid of your anxiety and live a normal, healthy life then hypnosis for anxiety is an option that should be seriously considered.
I am experiencing anxiety while driving, usually with physical symptoms that include numbness in my right foot, increased sweating, racing heart, and tightening of the major muscles. I’d love to find out more about hypnotherapy as I know how effective it can be with other behavior modifications such as over-eating.
Stuart, please contact us at 888-865-1870