Hypnotherapy for Blood Flow – Ways to Increase Blood Circulation

The circulatory system is a system that allows the blood to flow and carry the nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones and blood cells to the body’s cells. They feed and help in fighting diseases and stabilizing temperatures and pH while maintaining homeostasis. It is a system called the cardiovascular system or the vascular system.
The circulatory system consists of two arteries that lead from the heart and two veins that are attached to the arteries. The heart transports blood from the lungs to the rest of the body. The veins carry blood to the extremities. They also serve as a conduit for the excess blood to circulate in the body. These veins are located throughout the body.
If the heart is blocked, the lungs are weakened, and the muscles are deprived of oxygen, then the body can die. This is commonly seen when a blockage occurs in the arteries that supply blood to the brain. Other times, blockages can be attributed to psychological issues. Recent research also highlights where hypnotherapy for blood flow is one of the ways to increase blood circulation.
Hypnosis for Blood Circulation – How Does it Improve Blood Flow?
The effects of hypnosis on pain and peripheral blood flow in sickle-cell disease were observed by researchers in this study. Sickle cell diseases are characteristic of vaso-occlusive pain crises which can lead to a dysfunction of the sympathetic nervous system.
Arterial blood pressure can drop due to nociceptive reflexes which can occur in a vaso-occlusive pain crisis. In such situations, patients may have hypertension, a fall in serum levels of potassium, and signs of shock including low platelet count and plasma protein binding. The low blood pressure and the hypertension are believed to be secondary to nociceptive reflexes.
Patients with these ailments are at increased risk of morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular collapse due to autonomic failure. The current study evaluated the effect of hypnosis for blood circulation in adults with and without sickle cell disease on peripheral blood flow, pain levels, tolerance, and intensity.
Effectively Controlling Your Blood Circulation
There were fourteen sickle cell disease patients and fourteen healthy controls. Before and during a thirty-minute hypnosis session, participants performed three laboratory pain exercises. Peripheral blood circulation, pain threshold, tolerance, and intensity were investigated before and during hypnosis.
The first objective of this pilot study was to assess the difference between pain reactions in patients with sickle cell disease and a matched race of healthy control. The second goal was to assess the impact of a short hypnotic operation on acute pain reaction in a thermal pain task, which was evaluated by the threshold, sensitivity, and frequency of trauma.
The third objective was to assess hypnosis effects on peripheral blood flow changes throughout the pain task as well. The 4th objective was to determine whether there was a difference between group effects of hypnosis and blood flow.
How Do You Fix Poor Circulation?
In the same room were both the experimenter and the participant in the study. First, the respondent supplied permission and the surveys were finalized. The next step to assess the peripheral blood flow was to place a pulse oximetry converter on the left thumb of the participant.
For three minutes, the participant sat silently, while the examiner collected baseline peripheral blood flow data. The initial set of pre-hypnosis pain tasks was then performed and pain threshold and tolerance evaluated. This was followed by a 3-minute rehabilitation period and then ending with a pain intensity assessment.
Following three pain tasks, a medical hypnosis psychologist was ushered into the room to start engaging the person involved in a half-hour hypnosis training block. The participant received stimulating suggestions from the psychologist during the second pain task.
What Were the Results?
The psychologist conducted a brief exit interview at the end of the lab session and confirmed, before he left the premises, that the participants were fully aware and able to act cognitively.
Ultimately, the pain threshold and resistance improved after hypnosis and the pain frequency decreased in the group control and the peripheral blood flow in the sickle-cell disease community was increased to control-related levels.
Hypnotherapy Blood Flow through the Heart
Researchers have shown in a previous study that it is very easy to produce a real and measurable temperature and blood flow increase in body segments in highly hypnotic subjects via the hypnotic suggestion. In answer to that report, their objective has been to decide if this is also possible for splanchnic vessels.
The research included four women and one man, who were extremely hypnotic in terms of a score of nine at the Hypnotic Susceptibility scale of the Harvard Group. Physiological and anthropometric characteristics for the participants provided for cardiovascular and ultrasound monitoring. They also had to be free from cardiovascular and liver diseases.
Pre-Hypnosis for Circulation at the Primary Stage
In the preliminary stage, all participants were individually led through the use of verbal suggestions with indications of relaxation and well-being. This method had already been used successfully in previous research experiments. To focus its attention on one concept, each participant was directed to exclude any other external or internal stimuli.
A shortlist of suggestions of general well-being and eyelid weight, daily deep respiration, and gazing at a certain point consisted of hypnotic induction. By analyzing these signals, the hypnotist has been successful in checking the participants. He was efficient in maintaining or modifying this condition with the help of continuous suitable suggestions.
Post-hypnotic conditioning was predisposed to all participants during this first phase to reduce the time needed for further inductions.
Is Poor Circulation Reversible?
Hypnotic induction was carried out at the end of basal measurements through post-hypnotic conditioning. This was through a previously planned word with a handshake. The hypnotic induction was thus immediate and did not require a classic long-lasting relaxation-based induction procedure.
Splanchnic vasodilation, with a sixty percent increase in blood flow relative to the baseline, was observed after hypnotic bodily heating. Blood flow of the upper limb also increased significantly over pre-hypnotic body heating by eleven percent. This was especially true of the sense of temperature, which was a cenesthesia hallucination. Moreover, the heat was easy to obtain and because the cardiovascular effects were simple to quantify.
Limitations of this Study
There were several limitations in the study, first of all, the small number of subjects. This was due to the very complex procedure which required highly hypnotic participants and many specialists at the same time. Additional research was suggested.
In conclusion, the mental image of corporal heating creates real and measurable physical effects that can be measured using the professional instruments and guidance with a licensed clinical hypnotherapist.