Evidenced-Based Hypnotherapy For The Management Of Sleep Disorders

Hypnotic Relaxation to Treat Sleep Disorders


hypnosis sleep disorders

Inadequate sleep is often associated with stress and depression. Not having enough sleep or going through sleep disorders brings downfall to the health of even a normal person. People never tend to take their sleep disorders seriously while only a few of them actually seek some form of treatment for their problem. Most people stay with this problem which in turn brings more unhealthiness and diseases to your body. Sleep is very important for your mind and body. A good healthy sleep is an epitome of having a healthy lifestyle.

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Overcome Fears Associated With Colorectal Screening

colonoscopy screening how often

Colorectal cancer is the third most typically identified cancer cells in African-Americans and its incidence and death rates are significantly higher compared to other ethnic groups in the United States. Perhaps, it is the lowest rate of screening engagement which is essential to the avoidance and very early detection of this disease. If precancerous polyps in the colon are identified early enough, clients could live usually without any additional treatment needed. Although screening is advised by the American Cancer Society and other reputable authorities, governmental agencies for individuals older than the age of 50, testing rates remain at the lower end of the scale, particularly amongst African-Americans and other people of color. This article will explore case studies identified to reverse these debilitating trends using clinical hypnotherapy and behavioral therapy.

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Fear of Spiders? | Case Studies to Treat Arachnophobia

Where Does the Fear of Spiders Come From?


fear of spiders phobia


Arachnophobia or having the intense fear of spiders is the earliest as well as the more typical anxiety experienced in Western society. Just observing the response to spiders shown by an arachnophobic person may seem illogical to others and also frequently to the sufferer himself. For some individuals, it is a learned reaction which means that they discover to be afraid only after having actually seen others being frightened. What is the origin of this fear and what is the best way to manage it if one has tried everything from avoidance to considering medication? Answers to these questions in this article will explore alternative research that has been conducted to address solutions.
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Overcoming Fear of People’s Judgement?

fear of judgement from others


Effective Tips on How to Prevent and Overcome Social Anxiety

Having a fear of people and their personal judgments against oneself is the worry of social scenarios in which the communication with other individuals could immediately bring on feelings of intense self-scrutiny where people feel that others are watching their every move. It is also where a person may feel like they are constantly being evaluated as well as examined adversely others which can bring about feelings of inadequacy, shame, and embarrassment. One should note that if a person only feels like they are sitting on pins and needles in social circumstances, and not when others are around, social anxiety should be taken into consideration.
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Using Hypnotherapy to Address the Fear of Falling With a Growing Elderly Population

How the Fear of Falling Has Taken Over Your Life


overcoming fear of falling in elderly


Fear of falling describes a range of psychosocial troubles, including fear, stress and anxiety, confidence that no longer exists, and a psychologically damaged understanding of capability to walk safely without hitting the ground. The debilitating mindset typically found with elderly men and women who have fallen before and the estimated fifty percent of those that had never fallen before. Repercussions include avoiding all types of activities, social seclusion as well as raising frailty as well as danger of more accidents happening even if no physical disability exists. Although both can be typical and devastating as a person ages, evidence of the effectiveness of psychological interventions, especially targeting fear of falling continues to be limited. There is some proof sustaining, making use of physical and also psychological treatments like clinical hypnotherapy a cognitive behavioral therapy to improve the syndrome. This article will uncover recent research studies that have shown positive impacts.
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Is Test Anxiety All In The Mind?

test anxiety symptoms


Stress and anxiety are assumed to negatively affect a students’ performance when taking tests. Research studies have actually revealed that students with insignificant amounts of test anxiety achieve greater scores on evaluations than those with high anxiety levels. This has been proven both with children taking test all the way to their adult counterparts. Do female students have higher test anxiety levels compared to male students? What are some ways that both genders can implement so that their test scores can be raised? This article will explore alternative methods like relaxation and hypnotic suggestions that can be explored so that students can reach the best of their ability.
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Case Studies Addressing Fear of Abandonment

overcoming fear of abandonment


Fear of Abandonment and Recipe for Relationship Disaster


Many people do not consider this to be an actual phobia, however the fear of abandonment is one of the most damaging phobias that should be given serious consideration. Have you or someone that you know recently ended a long-term relationship either at work or with a romantic interest? Many people may do this from time to time or have a pattern when they have a feeling of uncertainty about how their life is going. Over time, this dysfunctional tendency can be very devastating, not only for the person that would inflict the emotional pain, but for those that are also involved directly or indirectly. Understanding the root of these psychological triggers by using a professional like a licensed hypnotherapist could be a positive step in the right direction.
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Gamophobia Treatment Case Studies

gamophobia symptoms


“Gamo” is a Greek word which means marriage and phobos means fear. So, gamophobia means fear of marriage, commitment and being in a relationship. It is also a fear of obligations. Many phobias are formed due to social interactions. They are personality and anxiety disorders. With this phobia, a person can like or love the other person, but when the other person wants something more serious or wants to commit to a relationship, then the person with gamophobia will begin regressing to negative feelings instead of positive ones.
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Hypnotherapy Case Studies Addressing Motion Sickness

hypnosis for travel sickness


When the average person thinks about motion sickness, images of riding on a roller coaster or other thrill-seeking ride comes to mind. However, individuals from all walks of life experience this type of travel sickness whenever partaking in any mode of transportation fast or slow. Is this all in the mind and can it be overcome? This article will explore case studies where hypnotherapy was used to overcome bouts of travel related sicknesses.
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Hypnosis Case Studies Addressing the Fear of Hypoglycemia

fear of hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes


In healthy people, blood sugar concentrations are preserved within quite a slim range, despite significant fluctuations in sugar access into the body and glucose utilization in the tissue metabolic process. Insufficient insulin secretion results in high blood glucose focus. The therapy of diabetic issues focuses on evasion of hyperglycemia in order to prevent its connected signs and symptoms and also to reduce the danger of vascular difficulties gradually.
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