Hypnosis Case Studies On Nail Biting

stop nail biting children


Nail biting has been regarded as a common habit that tends to begin in the childhood years. For some this is just a childhood phase, but for many it can continue into adult life. Most nail biters are extremely embarrassed or ashamed of this habit. This particular habit usually becomes worse through anxiety or stress. Nail biting is an “unconscious” behavior and most individuals will bite their nails at any time, whether they are in the public eye or at home.
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Using Clinical Hypnosis To Address Anxiety Associated With Acrophobia

Fear of Heights Cure?


overcoming fear of heights



Has there ever been a time when either you or your friend just refused to go on any trip or experienced any nail biting event that is associated with the fear of heights? You are not alone. Experiencing acrophobia, also known as a fear of heights, can affect two percent of the adult population in the United States. While some may see this as an irrational fear, others become quite agitated and panicked when it comes to overcoming certain heights of any significance. This article will explore how hypnosis can be used to treat acrophobia and other alternative means to overcome any fears associated with heights.
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Clinical Hypnosis Studies Addressing Aichmophobia

how to get over fear of needles and blood



Whether it’s donating blood, receiving a vaccine or receiving complete anesthetic, the process is difficult for almost anybody. And some unfortunate people are particularly affected by the unpleasant process of getting injections, some even going so far as to avoid donating blood or getting scheduled immunizations. Sometimes, it blossoms into a full blown phobia of needles. This particular phobia is known as aichmophobia and is described as an irrational fear of needles and this goes well beyond a simple discomfort. People afflicted with aichmophobia will go without badly needed medical treatments just to soothe their irrational fear of needles.
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Clinical Hypnotherapy For Asthma – When to Seek Asthma Treatment

can hypnosis help asthma


What is asthma? The NIH describes it as a chronic disease of the lungs where the airwaves are extremely agitated. This typically happens during the early morning or late in the evening where a person exhibits shortness of breath, chest tightening and coughing. While there are many possible solutions that exist on the market, asthma sufferers are increasingly open to alternative therapies like hypnotherapy and can be considered when evaluating psychological triggers associated with asthma attacks.
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Hypnotherapy For Sleepwalking And Night Terrors

sleep disorders


Many people remember the popular comedy skit in the movie Step Brothers with Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly were they both woke up in the middle of the night and start sleepwalking. While a large majority of people found that skit funny, there were others that were reminded of their experience of sleepwalking episodes and night terrors daily. Not just experienced by little children, adults also have doubts in dealing with this issue. This article will explore alternative treatments like hypnotherapy to treat sleepwalking and night terrors.
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Using Hypnotherapy To Treat Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures

non epileptic seizures disability


Even though psychogenic epileptic seizures are not prompted by unusual brain electrical discharges, these occurrences can cause emotional and mental distress. Since this mental issue is historically stigmatized negatively, its sufferers are open to medication as well as alternative therapy for treatment. This article will explore how hypnotherapy can be used to treat psychogenic non-epileptic seizures.
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Hypnotherapy For Emetophobia – Secrets To Finding The Best Emetophobia Treatments

hypnotherapy for fear of being sick


Emetophobia is an intense fear of throwing up or vomiting that often starts in childhood. While the psychological disorder can happen at any age, this fear also includes either seeing or witnessing someone else vomit. While this is seen as irrational, the fear can be gripping and negatively affect a person’s quality of life if left untreated. We will explore ways in which clinical hypnotherapy and behavior modification for Emetophobia can be used to add long-lasting positive results.
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Hypnotherapy for Dyspepsia – How To Ease Indigestion Naturally

how does dyspepsia occur



Dyspepsia is associated with a typical problem where a person experiences a number of negative indicators in the body instead of one specific issue. Those that are typically grouped together would include bloating, feeling over-full after eating a meal, heartburn, gastric reflex as well as belching. If hypnosis has been successful in treating specific issues with case studies in the past, can hypnotherapy for dyspepsia provide positive results as well?
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Hypnotherapy For Menopause – Some Useful Natural Treatments To Combat Signs Of Menopause

can hypnosis help with menopause

The menopausal shift is related to many troublesome signs and symptoms including weight gain, anxiety, sexual dysfunction and regular disruptions during sleep. Some scientists have advocated that decreases in estrogen could also result in deficits in their intellectual capabilities. Nevertheless, extra aspects are most likely to consist of depression in addition to hot flashes that take place during the menopause change. Hormone treatment could raise the level of estrogen in women, but has been connected to cardiovascular disease and breast cancer risk. Alternatives like hypnotherapy for menopause are needed to minimize the patterns of memory loss that happen in numerous women post-menopause.
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Can Clinical Hypnotherapy Be Used To Treat Epilepsy?

does hypnosis help people with seizures



Epilepsy is a neurological disorder noted by sudden and persistent episodes of sensory disruption, loss of awareness which is also associated with irregular electric activity in the mind.   Over 3 million Americans have been severely impacted by epilepsy which has been noted by The Epilepsy Foundation.
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