Understanding Hypnotherapy for Treating Sleep Apnea

Understanding Hypnotherapy for Treating Sleep Apnea

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Symptoms and Treatment Options


hypnosis sleep disorders


Insomnia, the inability to go to sleep at night, is much prevalent among the masses now. There are people who are entirely dependent upon medications to put their senses to rest. This dependency on medications is not proving to be any good for all those patients suffering from sleep depreciation. This dependency gradually turns into addiction causing the person not to survive even a day without them.


There are much better ways of treating insomnia as compared to all the medication. There are more natural ways like adopting a particular sleeping pattern and sticking to it in order to ensure ample sleep. Excessive physical activity during the day also results in going to sleep earlier because of being tired. But if the person is suffering from depression or anxiety then additional measures have to be taken in order to ensure that there is less waiting in the bed to go to sleep.


For such patients, the best-suggested treatment is hypnotherapy, because it enables mental relaxation for them and causes them to sleep easily during the night. Following are a few case studies that help in understanding how hypnotherapy works for patients suffering from insomnia:


Sleep Apnea Advice That Can Work For You



Case History:

Janet was a divorced commercial real estate professional who had no children and lived all by herself. Her medical history included anxiety, depression, back pain, allergic, rhinitis, and asthma. Her average routine included going to bed around 9-10 pm but not falling asleep before 11 pm or at 12 midnight during the weekdays and waking up at about 7:15 am. During the weekends, she has a relatively flexible sleeping routine where she gets some more sleeping hours. She also reported snoring, sleep talking, and frequent episodes of intense dreams. The initial diagnostic impression was that she suffered from psychophysiological insomnia.



The sleep restriction therapy was used to treat Janet’s condition. She was advised not to go to bed any time earlier than 11:30 pm and waking up no later than 7:30 pm. She was asked to avoid daytime naps and was enrolled in a morning exercise program, 4 days a week. She was asked to self-monitor herself on her sleeping habits and to look for any absurd behavioral pattern.


It was found that Janet’s sleep efficiency was improved by 88% and she continued use of the sleeping pills. Her self-monitoring helped her habit of compulsive list making caused her sleeplessness during the night. The increased motor activity right before going to sleep caused her insomnia. The physical exercise during the day helped her going to sleep earlier and also helped in losing 10 lbs.


Sleep Apnea Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options


hypnosis snoring



Case History:

The Cleveland Clinic Foundation completed a behavioral study from 2008 to 2013 to observe the sleeplessness of Multiple Sclerosis of eleven patients. Ages ranged from thirty-six to sixty-nine years young. Three of the patients were African-American while the remaining participants were classified as White. Eight of the patients had relapsing-remitting issues which were cause to conduct this study.



Apnea issues were determined utilizing the Sleep Severity Extent Index. Psychometric analysis has actually exposed that the severity index was a legitimate and trusted measure of rest problems while modifications in rest troubles after treatment.


Depression was gauged making use of the nine-item Patient Health Questionnaire which examined signs and symptoms of depression on a 4-point Likert scale. Evaluation of the psychometrics of this step indicated that it was a valid as well as reliable assessment of depression, with examinations of interior uniformity and construct while standard credibility.


Fatigue was gauged making use of the Fatigue Severity Scale. The credibility and also integrity of the FSS have been tested especially with a MS patient while contrasted against a regulate sample. Discriminant feature analysis and an inner uniformity evaluation exposed that it was also a trusted as well as valid analysis of exhaustion for individuals with MS.


Total bed rest throughout the night, or the self-reported typical number of hours an individual slept each night, was calculated by each individual at the beginning and also end of therapy. Improvement was specified by an increase in total bed rest. Worsening of signs was defined by a decline in the amount each person obtained over an evening.



The regulation of controlling outside stimuli as well as sleep restriction was the core behavior parts in which to modify the patient’s behavior. For the majority of the participants, the bedroom was connected with wakefulness and stimulation, which in turn promoted unfavorable emotions. In these situations, the bed became the cue for arousal instead as opposed to sleep.


The components of stimulation control were establishing a routine morning rise time, not laying in the bed when they were not sleepy, and also preventing extensive napping during the day. Preserving a constant wake time each and every day helped reinforce the circadian clock-regulating sleep and also insomnia. Going to sleep just when sleepy increased the chance that each person would certainly sleep promptly once in bed, reducing the aggravation of spending considerable time awake in bed and also strengthening the relationship between remaining in bed as well as achieving rest.



The results taken from this study suggested that hypnotherapy, either separate or along with other kinds of alternative therapy, including other hypnosis relaxation methods, may be a reliable, targeted treatment for people with MS who experience sleeping disorders. Moreover, the data recommended that modifications to existing behaviors might likewise be effective in minimizing self-reported experiences of depression and also exhaustion during the day. Furthermore, modifying behavior along with the monitoring by a licensed professional may be useful in establishing whether there is a requirement for additional professional or clinical interventions for all of the participants that took part in this study.


How to Reduce Sleep Apnea Problems


Sleeplessness and obstructive sleep apnea regularly become unfortunate bedroom associates. The optimum technique for properly alleviating sleeping disorders as well as sleep apnea continues to be vague in the sense that additional studies need to be taken to further assert this position of using alternative methods to treat these issues. Future research study analyzing the influence of insomnia on constant airway obstruction therapy is needed. Given the substantial overlap in symptoms in between insomnia as well as obstructive sleep apnea, analysis using treatment of these two problems could prove quite challenging, however, a call for multidisciplinary cooperation among sleep experts could prove quite beneficial.

Mark Barrus

Mark Barrus is the Director of Healthy Life Centers. I have been in the Hypnosis industry for over 20 years, and have written many articles about the efficacy and effectiveness of Hypnotherapy to overcome unwanted habits and actions. Twenty years of Case Study research and examination have helped me to inform the industry on the results and be a leader in the field. I originally worked with Dr. Richard Neves, the former head of the American Board of Hypnotherapy, training other Hypnotherapists in Advanced Smoking Cessation protocols. In February 2005, we also started Healthy Life Centers, in Orange County, CA

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